Is Muscle Connected To Internal Organs? What’s The Connection?

In 1964 Dr. George Goodheart Jr. DC introduced a new procedure into the Chiropractic profession called Applied Kinesiology (manual muscle testing). This procedure was based on research from 1949 by Kendall and Kendall, physical therapists.
Muscle-organ relationship was noted in India with drawings of therapeutic yoga exercises. Acupuncturist’s correlated this relationship also.
Dr. Goodheart started noticing these relationships. A muscle may be dysfunctional as a result of an organ or gland that is sick.
Example: the hamstring muscle may be inhibited as a result of large intestinal issues, constipation or diarrhea for example. When a muscle is inhibited, the joints that muscle moves may become “subluxated” (misaligned and move abnormally). The example of the hamstrings, the hamstring muscle connected to the bottom part of the pelvis and the knee at the other end.
With an inhibited hamstring you may have low back/pelvis issues and/or knee issues. But the pain and dysfunction of the low back may never actually improve with Chiropractic care, Physical Therapy may actually make it hurt more due to the fact that you are trying to strengthen a muscle that does not have the reserves to perform its function, so the stress just causes more issues. Also, massage therapy may give only temporary relief. You must correct the organ issue, then the muscle can function normally.
You can have a muscle issue that is not connected to an organ issue and you can have an organ issue, but the muscle may not be affected. This is not a 100% correlation. But it is there frequently enough that it can not be ignored.
This muscle/organ relationship happens so frequently that I use this in my practice every day and is why our office can help people function better, get out of pain faster, and be healthier.
How do we analyze the muscle/organ relationship?
By manually muscle testing the various muscles than having the patient touch the associated organ reflex and noticing a change in the muscle function.
How do we restore the organ involved?
By the use of whole food nutritional supplements, homeopathic remedies, herbs, and acupuncture. After the muscle/organ relationship is balanced then our physical therapist and our massage therapist can help strengthen the muscles.
Common muscle/organ relationships:
- Neck muscle – stomach
- Upper Traps – kidney
- Piriformis/Gluteal muscles- reproductive organs
- Muscle of your spine/lower leg muscles – bladder
- muscle behind your knee – gallbladder
- Pectoralis major – liver
- deltiod – lungs
- calf muscles – adrenals
That is a partial list to give you an idea.
Are you having chronic issues that are not being resolved? Get expert advice about these connections with an online / phone consultation with Dr. Lowell Keppel.
He only provides a small number of these consults. To learn more click here.