Dogs - Digestion Support | Improve Gut Health For Your Dog

Dogs - Digestion Support | Improve Gut Health For Your Dog

Digestive issues in your dog can be a crappy situation...literally. And if it results in carpet cleaning services you will definitely want to find an answer FAST.

Gut health is important for a strong immune system and a healthy body. Unfortunately, too many things can put a damper on digestion.

Dr. Candy And Other Holistic Veterinarians Use These Digestion Supplements In Cases Of:

  • Gassiness / flatulence 
  • Chronic constipation 
  • Undigested food in stool
  • Coprophagy (eating poop)
  • Pancreatitis
  • Leaky gut
  • Food allergies
  • Administration of steroids
  • Long courses of antibiotics 
  • Food changes (like the transition to raw or homecooked)
  • Intermittent events of diarrhea or constipation 
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Healing after significant GI parasite load
  • “Trash can” gut (its a classic)


Find the answer to your dog's cycles of poor digestion in the products below. 

The following information is a summary and review based on Dr. Candy’s professional experience and recommendations. Any summary or statement has not been provided nor influenced by the manufacturer.

These supplements can help your dog in many situations from simple food changes to more complicated GI disease. If your pup is experiencing conditions such as chronic constipation, chronic diarrhea or inflammatory bowel disease, these supplements may provide much needed support. 

Wanna learn more about GI health in dogs, and how Dr. Candy uses Canine Enteric Support to heal and nourish your pup? Read her FULL REVIEW here.

Dr. Candy's Favorite Digestive Support For Dogs

  • Support your dog's GI system and improve digestion naturally with food!

  • Form  =  Powder

Easy to add to your pet's food and tastes great!


- Chronic constipation

- Food sensitivities

- Diarrhea and upset stomach

- Gassiness / flatulence

- Coprophagy (eating poop)

- Intermittent events of diarrhea or constipation

- Healing after significant GI parasite load

- Long courses of antibiotics

- and MUCH more!


( From 0.45 per day )

Dogs - Digestion Support | Improve Gut Health For Your Dog


Product Type