Dog Supplements - Whole Food Nutritional Supplements For Holistic Health

Dog Supplements - Whole Food Nutritional Supplements For Holistic Health
As a holistic vet, I’ve been using nutritional supplements to heal dogs for many years. I’ve tried TONS of products out there. One of the biggest differences in the effect that these supplements had on my patients was the difference between artificial vitamins and real food vitamins. Dogs do much better with natural supplements made from whole foods. 

Artificial supplements are just chemical components of a few vitamins made in a laboratory. They are incomplete and come in difficult to absorb compounds. You see, in nature - vitamins and minerals never come as individual pieces. They come in full vitamin complexes. You get all of the pieces, and they are packaged in the correct ratios. Additionally, vitamins from food come with the enzymes and critical factors that are needed to utilize the nutrients.

The best whole-food-based nutritional supplements for dogs are made by a company called Standard Process. They use organically grown vegetables and process them gently to keep all of the active phytonutrients intact.

The following information is a summary and review based on Dr. Candy’s professional experience and recommendations. Any summary or statement has not been provided nor influenced by the manufacturer.

Supplements For Dog Anxiety & Stress

Over the years, I have tried all sorts of answers for stress and anxiety in dogs. Everything from tranquilizers, anti-depressants, hemp products, calming proteins, herbs, and minerals. Some of the herbs worked but it was difficult to get the dogs to eat them. Tranquilizers and anti-depressants, originally made for humans usually caused sleepiness and dullness.

The most effective supplements for dog anxiety and stress are the natural foods that support the underlying physical imbalance. They don't cover up symptoms or make your dog drowsy. They heal the adrenal glands and nourish the nerves to perform naturally. When stress hormones, like cortisol, are balanced- your dog will feel better on the inside. They are happier and can deal with uncomfortable situations better. Healthy anxiety and stress levels will give you a dog that is calmer and has more positive effects on you and your family.

  • Balance your dog's stress hormones by supporting their adrenal glands naturally

  • Form  =  Powder
    Easy to add to your pet's food and tastes great!

    - Rescue and Rehoming
    - Early Spay and Neuter
    - Separation Anxiety
    - Non-Specific Fear and Anxiety
    - Adrenal Disease (Cushings, Addisons)
    - Hypothyroidism 
    - Long-Term Steroid Usee and Shelter Puppies
    - Post Surgical Healing
    - Autoimmune Diseases
    - Atopy and Allergies
    - Chronic Infections
    - Eating grass, dirt and poop (Pica)

    CLICK HERE to check our Dr. Candy's full review

( From 0.53 per day )


Heart Health Supplements For Dogs

Supplements for heart health are becoming more common as pet parents become aware of potential cardiac diseases. We want to make sure that they have absolutely everything that they need to have a healthy heart.

Healthy hearts and blood vessels are made by healthy foods. Natural organs and glands are super dense sources of vitamins and minerals. That's why predators like wolves eat the organs first. Fresh liver is PACKED with vitamin A and vitamin B complex. It contains iron and magnesium in abundance. Adding these essential nutrients gives your dog the materials it needs to build a strong heart.

  • Support you dog's heart naturally with whole food vitamins

  • Form  =  Powder
    Easy to add to your pet's food and tastes great!

    - Heart murmurs
    - Arrhythmias
    - Valve disorders
    - Dilated Cardiomyopathy
    - Blood circulation dysfunction, such as cool paws
    - Congestive heart failure
    - Heartworm infections & treatment
    - Blood vessel fragility

    CLICK HERE to check our Dr. Candy's full review

( From 0.53 per day )


Skin & Coat Supplements For Dogs

As pet owners, we can usually see if there are changes in your dog’s skin and coat. Maybe it's dry and dull, maybe it's itchy, maybe it's crusty and smells bad. These signs on the outside give us clues to what is happening on the inside.

Your dog’s skin and coat require many fat-soluble vitamins as well as healthy fats. Some of these are delicate and are only found in low levels in dry kibble food. Kibble sits on a shelf, and these important materials can easily break down during transport and storage. Sprinkling whole-food-based nutritional supplements on your dog's food is an easy way to keep their skin healthy and coat shiny. 

  • Support your dog's skin and coat with whole food vitamins

  • Form  =  Powder
    Easy to add to your pet's food and tastes great!

    - Excessive Shedding
    - Anal gland blockage and infection
    - Improve overall skin and coat
    - Easier healing of long term skin conditions
    - Minimization of seasonal allergies
    - Faster healing of hot spots
    - Support for autoimmune conditions like lupus
    - Protects against recurrent yeast infection

    CLICK HERE to check our Dr. Candy's full review

( From 0.40 per day )


Digestive Supplements For Dogs 

Supplements for your dog's digestion can have benefits for her whole body. If we optimize digestion and gut health, you will have a healthier dog overall. Gut health improves the immune system, and keeps joints strong. A healthy gastrointestinal tract creates a healthy liver and kidneys. All of these organs keep your pup vibrant, and they all rely on a healthy digestive system. 

Optimizing digestion is best done with natural foods. It’s what nature intended, and it's also the easiest way to deliver critical nutrients to your dog.

  • Support your dog's GI system and improve digestion naturally with food! 

  • Form  =  Powder
    Easy to add to your pet's food and tastes great!

    - Chronic constipation 
    - Food sensitivities 
    - Diarrhea and upset stomach
    - Gassiness / flatulence
    - Coprophagy (eating poop)
    - Intermittent events of diarrhea or constipation
     - Healing after significant GI parasite load
    - Long courses of antibiotics
     - and MUCH more!

    CLICK HERE to check our Dr. Candy's full review

( From 0.45 per day )


Dog Liver Support Supplements

If your dog has experienced surgery or illness - they likely went to the vet and got medications. Medications and other toxins can become trapped in the liver. To remove extra chemicals and toxins, our dog’s liver has to work double time.

A little liver support for your dog can go a long way in maintaining a long healthy life. Repairing your dog’s liver and other internal organ systems is one of the best methods for keeping them super healthy. That way, they can fully enjoy life and run and play like they are meant to do. A good liver support supplement should include a natural and gentle detox, but it should also provide the nutrients your dog needs to build a strong body.

  • Support your dog's liver naturally with vitamins and minerals

  • Form  =  Powder
    Easy to add to your pet's food and tastes great!

    - Detox from everyday toxins
    - Improve digestion
    - Reduce filtration workload on the kidneys
    - Removes itch promoting histamine
    - Optimize repair of liver cells
    - Reduces inflammation and pain 
    - Added support for the immune system
    - Reduce metabolic stress of drugs and surgery

    CLICK HERE to check our Dr. Candy's full review

( From 0.43 per day )


Dog Immune Booster Supplements

Sometimes our dogs could use an immune boost. A poor immune system can lead to sickness and disease and we definitely don't want that. Dogs rely on a strong immune system to protect them from potential viruses and bacteria.

To keep your dog’s immune system strong, he needs extra vitamins and antioxidants. Vitamin C boosts the power of white blood cells, it's also super important for healthy teeth and gums. Natural antioxidants from fruits, vegetables, and herbs help to remove inflammation from your dog’s body. Immune system supplements are recommended for puppies, senior dogs, and any canine friend who is facing infections, stress, or surgery.

Dog Joint Supplements

Supplements for your dog’s bones and joints are everywhere! On tv, in the magazines, on your shopping bags - they pop up all over the place. It's easy to put some artificial vitamins in a bottle and slap a label on it. Concerned pet parents will grab these low quality supplements because when we see our dogs limp or struggle- we want to do anything we can to relieve their pain.

But joint support requires more than a chalky tablet of synthetic glucosamine. My past experience took me on a path that included all kinds of products. I started with those “veterinarian recommended” chalk tabs. Years later, I can confidently say that real joint support and healing come from natural vitamins and minerals. Whole foods in these Standard Process products create an environment for your dog’s joints to HEAL. 

We can strengthen ligaments and tendons to prevent future injuries. We can stop or slow the progression of arthritis. We can help your dog run and feel better. The dog joint supplements that I recommend rebuild strong joints and promote healthy mobility at any age.

Supplements For Dogs With Kidney Disease 

Holistic, whole food supplements for your dog’s kidney health can really improve their quality of life. With a healthy renal system, your dog can better balance their hydration and restore balance to their internal organs. Healthy kidneys also contribute to a good metabolism and can help prevent urinary tract infections.

Over the years I have seen prescription dog food and multiple supplements for dogs with kidney disease. As I ran check-up blood work- I saw little to no change in kidney values such as BUN and Creatinine. When I was first introduced to Standard Process Renal Support I didn't have high expectations. But when I started re-checking blood work- I saw REAL significant results. There was a reduction in those kidney values, and they tended to go down and down over about 3 to 4 months. But what was more subtle although equally important were the observations my clients were making. They noticed better appetite, less over-drinking, fewer accidents inside, better coat condition, fewer UTIs, and increased energy. 

  • Support your dog's kidneys naturally with essential vitamins and minerals

  • Form  =  Powder
    Easy to add to your pet's food and tastes great!

    - Senior dogs 
    - Congenital kidney disease
    - Recurrent urinary tract infections
    - Chronic kidney disease
    - Recovery from trauma / surgery
    - Bladder / kidney stones 
    - Diabetes- Exposure to toxins

    CLICK HERE to check our Dr. Candy's full review

( From 0.40 per day )


Dog Thyroid Supplements 

Supplements for dog thyroid disease should address multiple factors. It has to optimize digestion, clean out the liver, and rebuild the skin and coat. Dogs need more than artificial chemicals to balance their hormones. ( I mean, so do we. ) If we provide our dogs with the proper nutrients and proteins we can make significant improvements. The supplements that I use can help your dog have more energy for playing, regrow a full coat of healthy hair, help with weight loss and improve digestion. 

Whole food-based supplements for your dog’s health are the way to go. I want to give all of my patients the best chance to heal from disease. But it also has to be easy to give to pets. That's another advantage to whole food-based nutritional supplements-its real food, so dogs will eat it. Check out some topics and favorite products below- and give your dog’s health the support that it needs.

  • Support your dog's thyroid naturally with whole food vitamins

  • Form  =  Powder
    Easy to add to your pet's food and tastes great!

    - Hypothyroidism
    - Hyperthyroidism
    - Euthyroid Sick Syndromes
    - Overweight and obesity
    - Metabolic disorders
    - Autoimmune Thyroid Disease
    - Adrenal Disease (Cushings, Addisons) 
    CLICK HERE to check our Dr. Candy's full review

( From 0.34 per day )



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