Dogs - Thyroid Support | Healthy Weight & Energy

Dogs - Thyroid Support | Healthy Weight & Energy

Thyroid hormones are vitally important and play a critical role in whole-body metabolism, tissue growth, immune system, and many more. Natural supplements have been used extensively to improve the overall health of our pets. I use them for both cats and dogs in my practice, and even use them for one of my own dogs. I love showing people how to use whole food-based nutritional supplements and how to see incredible results in just a few months.

A note about thyroid medications: Some dogs that face thyroid issues have already been placed on artificial hormone replacement pills. Dogs that are receiving this type of medication DO still benefit from a natural thyroid support supplement. Adding a supplement below can preserve future gland tissue, improve blood test values, improve energy levels, and help keep your dog at a healthy body weight.  ( Please do not quit giving your dog medication if they are already on a protocol. Just add in the supplement and go to your vet for regular checkups and blood tests. Then consult with your vet about changing doses of artificial hormones. )

 If you are having trouble getting your dog to lose weight, check out our consultation service for weight loss.

The following information is a summary and review based on Dr. Candy’s professional experience and recommendations. Any summary or statement has not been provided nor influenced by the manufacturer.

Dr. Candy's Favorite Thyroid Support For Dogs

  • Support your dog's thyroid naturally with whole food vitamins

  • Form  =  Powder

Easy to add to your pet's food and tastes great!


- Hypothyroidism

- Hyperthyroidism

- Euthyroid Sick Syndromes

- Overweight and obesity

- Metabolic disorders

- Autoimmune Thyroid Disease

- Adrenal Disease (Cushings, Addisons)


( From 0.34 per day )

Dogs - Thyroid Support | Healthy Weight & Energy


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