Low Level Laser Contraindications - 7 Situations Where Cold Laser Therapy Should NOT Be Used

By Dr. Candy Akers

In general, side effects and contraindications of low-level laser therapy are sparse. That is one reason why this therapy is so safe to use at home. There are, however, a few situations where laser therapy should not be used. It’s important to be informed to protect the safety of the whole family.

Below is a list of situations where we would want to avoid direct laser application. If you have any concerns, feel free to reach out to our community or discuss the option with a doctor who is experienced in low-level laser therapy.

The following information is a summary and review based on Dr. Candy’s professional experience and recommendations. Any summary or statement has not been provided nor influenced by the manufacturer.

 Low Level Laser ContraindicationsBrief Description
Thyroid GlandThyroid dysfunction is complicated and each patient is different. Manipulation of the thyroid hormone cycle can affect metabolism, resulting in weight gain or loss.
EyesTreatments around the eye, eyelids, and eyebrows should be avoided to prevent laser damage to the retina. If this happens, vision changes and blindness could be the result.
Benign Cancer / TumorsAvoid all lumps, bumps, masses, and growths. The laser has the potential to revitalize the trouble cells and cause the tumor to grow bigger.  I have had cases where the non-invasive healing value is greater than the risk of helping a tumor.
Pregnancy / LactatingIn this situation, research is lacking. Due to this, we do not fully know if the therapy would have an effect on the child. As a precaution, laser therapy is contraindicated in pregnant or lactating mothers.
Epileptic SeizuresFlashing lights in the visible light spectrum are known to stimulate seizures.
Malignant or Cancerous TumorsStimulated healing from the laser can cause the tumor to be stronger. Studies prove negative effects, such as rapid tumor growth or spreading to other body locations.
TattoosA handful of adverse reactions have been documented in relation to tattoos. Laser therapy over a new tattoo can result in allergic reactions to ink pigments. Laser tattoo removal also carries this risk.

Want even more information about this effective and non-invasive treatment? Check more information below and Dr. Candy's favorite Low-Level-Laser!

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Dr. Candy Akers

About the Author

Holistic Veterinarian, Veterinary Clinic Owner, Veterinary Medical Supervisory Board Leader, Certified Raw Dog Food Nutrition Specialist, and Author Dr. Candy completed her undergraduate studies at The University of Delaware and graduated veterinary school in 2009 from Oklahoma State University. In high school, she was drawn to wildlife rehabilitation. Wildlife rehab gave her unparalleled experience in animal healing in a field that has limited resources and a wide variety of conditions to treat. Before vet school, Dr. Akers spent two years working full time providing oil spill response for wildlife all over the country. Since graduating with her Degree of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) in 2009, Dr. Candy has specialized in companion animal nutrition. Extensive education in nutrition has made her a firm believer in species specific-biologically appropriate diets. One of her passions is educating pet parents about the natural alternatives that actually work. She brings the best of holistic health and conventional medicine together in a unique approach to pet health. This approach is often applied to chronic diseases, allergies, and autoimmune conditions. She started her own veterinary practice 9 years ago in Colorado. Overall, she has dedicated her entire life to improving the health and happiness of animals everywhere.