Supplements For Family - Natural Whole Food Based Nutritional Supplements

Today, health information can be found everywhere including, on the internet, in textbooks, and in scientific journals.

The practice of taking vitamins is a double edge sword! We know that our food sources are negatively impacted by commercial farming and increased processing. We know that we do NOT get all the nutrients we need from our food.

So we supplement, but the issue is what do we supplement with? 90% of the “vitamin supplements” on the market come from chemicals made by pharmaceutical companies and to fool you, even more, we now have a baloney term “nutraceutical” to trick us into thinking it may have nutrients in it.

We see conflicting studies about whether vitamins are good or bad for us and at the end of almost every study they say “it’s a good form of insurance” right? Who buys the insurance at the blackjack table? The house offers it because they benefit from it. Just like pharmaceutical companies benefit from you buying isolated chemical vitamins that will make you sicker.

So, what do you do? Eat real food, preferably fresh and local (if you can get it), and supplement with whole food concentrates. Standard Process was founded by nutrition pioneer Dr. Royal Lee. He was one of the first doctors to make concentrates of whole foods, with the goal of improving people's health



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